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A Levels

A Levels
Per A and AS level course is only $16000 AUD/ $65,500 RMB per Course with minimum of 3 subjects to get into Top Ranking Universities. Total tuition fee of 3 A and combined AS level subjects is 195,000 RMB or 48,000 AUD

A Levels - Often regarded as the 'gold standard' of high school curriculums, the two-year A Level course produces graduates widely embraced by global universities. Offering subject depth surpassing local standards, A Level students are thoroughly prepared for diverse post-school pathways. A Levels can be pursued part-time to enhance an international university application or taken full-time, with the option to convert to an ATAR.

A Levels and AS Levels Program Overview

Our accelerated 5-6 month program enables students to complete a full course of study in a condensed timeframe. Each subject features:

  • 48 sessions or 4 subjects of 12 sessions each subject finished in 5-6 months
  • 36 sessions or 3 subjects of 12 sessions each subject finished in 5-6 months
  • 50-minute class duration per session

This intensive approach allows students to dive deep into the material and master key concepts across 48/36 focsed learning sessions per subject.

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